Pantai Air Manis / Aie Manih Beach

Pantai Air Manis - Padang

Pantai Air Manis

Padang Kota Lama terletak di kawasan kampong cina. Beberapa bangunan peninggalan  colonial Belanda masih berdiri kokoh. Di daerah ini pula terdapat Jembatan Siti Nurbaya, bangunan tua Bank Indonesia serta beberapa gedung tua yang masih dipakai sebagai gudang dan pemukiman etnis keturunan Cina. Di sekitar area ini dapat ditemui berbagai tempat berjualan kuliner khas Sumatera Barat beserta kafe – kafe di sepanjang pinggiran sungai Batang Harau.

Aie Manih Beach

Located 10 km to the south from the centre of the city, or directly situated behind padang hill, this beach is full of legend, “Malin Kundang” legend, of a son who got cursed and turned into stones because he denied and rejected his mother. You can see the dioramas of it on the spot. Strolling on the beach , enjoying the scenery of Padang hilland the gentle ocean waves, or swimming are some interesting activities you can do in this place which also a perfect one for picnic and camping or any other outdoor activities. Some public fasilities such as mosque and toilet are already provided. Many souvenirs stall selling crafts and other knick knacks can be found along the beach.


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