“Museum Nagari” Sumatera Barat / The “Nagari Museum” of West Sumatra

Museum Nagari

“Museum Nagari” Sumatera Barat

Museum ini terletak di Kota Padang dan berbentuk Rumah Gadang (Rumah Adat / Tradisional Minangkabau). Di sisi dalamnya dipajang berbagai bentuk benda budaya seperti pakaian dari seluruh daerah Sumatera Barat, alat kesenian tradisional, replica berbagai situs dan prasasti. Dibuka dari jam 08.00 s.d 16.00 WIB setiap hari, kecuali hari senin.

The “Nagari Museum” of West Sumatra

This museum was named after a king of Minangkabau in the 15th century before it changed its name into Nagari Museum. It has a collection of cultural items from all area of West Sumatra such as traditional costumes from all regencies, traditional music instruments, traditional transportation vehicles and replicas of various historical sites and stone epigraphs. The museum building was built resembling “Rumah Gadang” Minangkabau traditional house) architecture with dramatic bull horn roof and surrounded by a park, known before as Taman Melati. Situated in the central of Padang, it is opened for public from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm every day except for monday.

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